She came to the conclusion the signal wasn't lying, the AI had done what it was told, researched, created and found upgrades for years and years. There were thousands and they were all compatible with her Zero Suit, all she had to do was insert one into it. If necessary, I can also deploy creatures, humans and robots stored inside of the station via cloning or otherwise."Īfter the AI finished his lengthy speech, the screen switched with a flicker and rows of upgrades appeared. I can also modify your own ship with the same technology to better suit the form you take. Some chips are not of my creation and others may be hidden throughout the station, perhaps you'll have to pay for certain others you come across. Occasionally the upgrade may change your mind, body and reality around you to the extremes.

Furthermore, these same chips can be modified or upgraded independently. All of which can be combined with others to enhance the effects of both or create entirely new ones. Inside of my database I contain thousands of chip based upgrades, upon insertion into your Zero Suit, your physical body will be enhanced greatly depending on the upgrade you select.

Samus was surprised by what she saw, in the hall was a giant computer screen, after approaching it lights flashed and it sprung to life. She didn't have to walk for long until she found the main hall. She stepped off of her ship to investigate, Zero Suit clinging to her soft curves all the while. If she came to investigate, she'd be offered many new ways to "expand" her arsenal. The signal informed her that the station was inhabited by a scientist AI which was programmed to keep inventing and researching for eternity. In her adventures through the galaxy she had received a signal from a remote research station. Samus brought her ship into dock with the station, the docking bay walls closing behind her.